Velvet, Rust or Gold Dust disease, oodinium

Quick Facts

Disease Name : Velvet, Rust or Gold Dust disease, oodinium

Causative Agent : Oodinium limneticum

Diagnostic Method : Wet mount preparation


  • Yellow to rust colored dusting on the fish’s body
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss
  • Light coating, very small light spots on skin and fins
  • Lethargic
  • Flashing or body rubbing
  • Rapid respiration or gasping for air
  • Skin peels off
  • Heavy mucous secretion
  • Fin twitching
  • Eyes become clouded

Host (Common sp.)

  • Fighter fish
  • Zebrafish
  • Livebearer
  • Goldfish
  • Cichlids

Treatment Method

  • Raising the temperature to 30 degree celcius
  • Add Methylene blue and siphon the dirt from the tank
  • treat the system with copper sulfate for ten days
  • Discontinue carbon filtration during treatment
  • Keep tank dark (Dim lights for several days)
  • Adding salt to the water at a rate of 1 to 3 level teaspoons per gallon