Aquatic Resource Sustainability

By conserving aquatic resources, we are ensuring that future generations can enjoy our natural world and the incredible species that live within it.

Data Banks

The data banks in AquaBase are a collection of seamless statewide data that provides information on every discipline of aquatics.


The AqauBase projects are done voluntarily by interested parties and encourage all users to share their extensive knowledge by joining the research projects in AquaBase.

About Us

We aim to store important aquatic related data that can be accessed anytime and promote science-based decision making to facilitate the sustainable use of Sri Lankan Aquatic Resources. As a research focused organization, we believe that enhancing the education, research and powerful awareness will make the aquatic ecosystems healthier and more productive. Our team has extensive experience working in Sri Lanka and internationally and has built partnerships with numerous national and international organizations. Lanka AquaBase also acts as a platform for scientists and conservationists to expand research and improve aquatic resource management around the globe.


Provide sustainable future for Sri Lanka Aquatic Resources


Improve the awareness about aquatic resources among common public

Moreover, this is the foremost and major aquatic resources related database in Sri Lanka.

Latest Blog

Whales Heart

The 400-pound heart of a 40,000-pound animal is still pretty big! Though the heart is only about 1% of the whale’s body weight, it’s still the biggest on the planet. What about the heart of the world’s largest terrestrial creature? How big is your own heart? How does it compare to the size of a blue whale’s heart? Let's see. African elephants are the largest terrestrial creatures on Earth....

Read the Blog


Sustainable Fish Guide

Find your sustainable seafood choice

Fish Freshness Identification Guide

Meet fresh fish guide to eat fresh fish

Fish Doctor

Treat your ornamental fish diseases

Aqua Tourist Guide

Find your aqua based tourist activities

Sri Lankan Marine Conservation Society

Let’s protect marine aquatic resources

Identification Keys

Identify the species with their morphological features


We provide consultancy services in a wide range of marine related fields including field surveys, Aquaculture, Fisheries, Web development, Database Management and other relevant disciplines which appear in the AquaBase. We are also experts for social media educational page management and promoting your experiences. Our team includes experts in above fields with extensive local and international field experience. Please contact us for more info.

A Note From A Co-Founder

The idea of developing a website that anyone could gather knowledge, and access data related to aquatic resources stemmed in 2017, with the introduction of the Lanka Fish website which mainly focused on the marine food fish and ornamental fish species in Sri Lanka.


The Team Behind Aquabase

Mr. N.P.P. Liyanage

Co-Founder/ Senior Scientist and Lecturer

Fish reproduction biology, Molecular biology, Fish taxonomy, Biodiversity

Mr. J.D.M. Senevirathne

Co-Founder/ Senior Scientist and Lecturer

Zoology, Genetics, Bioinformatics, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology

Mr. Charitha Dias

Co-Founder/ Senior Scientist and Lecturer

Aquatic Resource Management, Fisheries Management, Conservation biology

Mr. C.M. Mohotti

Associate Tech-lead Software Engineering

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With your support, AQUABASE can continue providing knowledge, for the benefit of nature and the people who depend on it.

contact for donations

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Us


Department of Animal Science,

Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka


+94 71 761 9777

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