Mr. N.P.P. Liyanage

Co-Founder/Senior Scientist and Lecturer

Fish reproduction biology, Molecular biology, Fish taxonomy, Biodiversity

Mr. J.D.M. Senevirathne

Co-Founder/Senior Scientist and Lecturer

Zoology, Genetics, Bioinformatics, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology

Mr. Charitha Dias

Co-Founder/Senior Scientist and Lecturer

Aquatic Resource Management, Fisheries Management, Conservation biology

Mr. C.M. Mohotti

Associate Tech-lead Software Engineering

Panel of Experts

Mr. Manjula Herath

Former System Analysist

Department of Computer Science and Informatics, UWU

Dr. D.P.N. de Silva

Senior Lecturer

Fish Disease databank

Department of Animal Science, UWU

Dr. Manori Bambaranda

Senior Lecturer

Aquatic Plant databank

Department of Animal Science, UWU

Databank development crew

Mr. Asanka Withanage

Quality Assurance Executive, JaySeaFoods Pvt Ltd.

Marine Ornamental Fish, Fish processing

Mr. Kasun Tharindu

BSc Aquatic Resources Technology, UWU Graduate

Fish Freshness Identification

Mr. Nirmana Dhananjaya

Product Developer at The Product Makers Pvt.Ltd

Fish Feed Processing, Marine Ornamental Fish

Mr. Uditha Thejan

BSc Aquatic Resources Technology, UWU Graduate

Endemic Ornamental Fish

Ms. Lumbini Meegoda

BSc Aquatic Resources Technology, UWU Graduate

Aquatic Plant Culturing

Ms. Gayani Dinushika

BSc Aquatic Resources Technology, UWU Graduate

Fish Disease

Mr. Kavinda Gayashan

BSc Aquatic Resources Technology, UWU Graduate

Aquabase Tourism

Ms. Umavi Piyatissa

BSc Aquatic Resources Technology, UWU Graduate


Mr. Rajitha Hemachandra

BSc Aquatic Resources Technology, UWU Graduate

Freshwater ornamental fish

Mr. Sineth Himansa

BSc Aquatic Resources Technology, UWU Graduate

Ornamental shrimp