Food Fish Identification Keys

Temperate and tropical tunas

    1. Ventral finlets silver or dark in color
    2. Ventral finlets Yellow color
    1. Pectoral fin reached second dorsal fin/No horizontal stripes in lower side of the body
    2. Pectoral fin does not reach the second dorsal fin/4-6 horizontal stripes on lower side of the body (In both sides)
      Skipjack tuna
    1. Pectoral fin extends beyond origin of 2nd dorsal fin/Pattern of alternating light lines and dots on belly region
      Yellowfin tuna
    2. Pectoral fin does not extend beyond origin of 2nd dorsal fin/No dot and line patterns in the belly region
      Bigeye tuna


    1. Upper bill flat/Single caudal keel
      Sword fish
    2. Upper bill round/Double caudal keel
    1. 1 st Dorsal fin height at midbody more than body depth
      Sail fish
    2. 1 st Dorsal fin height at midbody less than or equal to body depth
    1. 1 st Dorsal fin height at midbody equal to body depth
      Striped marlin
    2. 1st Dorsal fin height at midbody half to body depth
    1. Rigid sickle shaped pectoral fins
      Black marlin
    2. Pectoral fin folds back
      Blue marlin

Neritic tuna and mackerels (Seer fishes)

    1. Lateral line abruptly downwards below the 2nd dorsal fin
    2. Lateral line not abruptly downwards below the 2nd dorsal fin
    1. Sides silvery grey marked with transverse vertical bars of darker grey
      Narrow-barred Spanish mackerel
    2. Sides silvery white with several longitudinal rows of round dark brownish spots scattered in about 3 irregular rows
      Indo-Pacific king mackerel
    1. Tip of second dorsal and anal fins washed with yellow
      Longtail tuna
    2. Pattern of 15 or more dark bars or wavy lines, oblique to nearly horizontal, in the scale less area above lateral line
    1. Lack of space between dorsal fins/2-5 Dark spots above the ventral fin
    2. Two dorsal fins separated by a large space/No dark spots above the ventral fin
    1. Short pectoral fin but extending posterior to beginning scale less area above corselet
      Frigate tuna
    2. Short pectoral fin which does not reach the beginning of scale less area above corselet
      Bullet tuna


    1. Lunate caudal fin
      Short fin mako shark
    2. Hetero-cercal caudal fin
    1. Dorsal caudal lob nearly as long as rest of the body
    2. Dorsal caudal not long as rest of the body
    1. Wide dorsal tip
      Big eye thresher shark
    2. Narrow dorsal tip
      Pelagic thresher shark
    1. The points pectoral fins and the first dorsal fin spots white colored
      Oceanic whitetip shark
    2. The points pectoral fins and the first dorsal fin spots are dusky
    1. Broad, narrow bladed hammerhead
      Scalloped hammerhead shark
    2. Non-hammer shape head
    1. Second dorsal less than a third the size of the first dorsal/Blue color dominant body
      Blue shark
    2. Non-hammer shape head
      Silky shark