Nature Tourism

Turtle watching

Watch the turtles laying eggs or returning to the sea. Waiting for turtles to appear can take a couple of hours, so patience is required. Normally, during the high season (April – July),5-15 turtles appear each night, whereas during the low season (October – January) it is approximately 1-2. There is no guarantee that you will see a turtle, although sightings occur most nights of the year. Controlled and maintain by Department of wild life conservation.

Enviromental Impact

Turtle hatchery

They aren’t sanctuaries, zoos rescue or rehabilitation center. They are used only when natural nesting conditions are threatened, such as by flooding erosion, prediction or heavy poaching. Hikkaduwa, Rekawa,Habaraduwa,Bentota like places are famous for this tourism activity.

Enviromental Impact

Whale watching

The practice of observing whales in their natural habitat, typically as part of an organized tourist activity. Mirissa and Unawatuna are world famous whale watching destination and can see Blue and Sperm whales, Sharks like species.

Enviromental Impact

Bird watching

The practice of observing birds in their natural environment as a hobby. Bird watching in coastal area can be seen around the lagoon environment in Southern coastal area.

Enviromental Impact

Fish therapy

These type of fish are known as doctor or nibble fish. They suck and gently nibble away at dry and dead skin. The end result will leave your feet feeling refreshed and healthy.

Enviromental Impact