Indo-Pacific king mackerel

Quick Facts

common name : Indo-Pacific king mackerel

Scientific Name : Scomberomorus guttatus

local name : Alu thora/Genu thora/Sekkal thora

Group : Neritic Tunas and Mackerels (Seerfishes)

Average Size : Maximum fork length is 76 cm.

Diagnostic Features

Morphological characteristics First dorsal fin:15 to 18 spines Second dorsal fin: 18 to 24 rays, 7 to 10 finlets Anal fin: 19 to 23 rays, 7 to 10 finlets Pectoral fin rays: 20 to 23. Lateral line has many fine auxiliary branches extending dorsally and ventrally in anterior third and gradually curving down toward caudal peduncle Color characteristics Sides of the fish body: Silvery white with several longitudinal rows of round dark brownish spots First dorsal fin: Black color dominant up to the 8th spine and posteriorly white with the distal margin of black color Pectoral, second dorsal and caudal fins: Dark brown Pelvic and anal fins: Silvery white.

consumer Advice
Threat to Human
Stock Status

Stock Not Overfished

Lank Fish rating

IUCN Red List Status