Silky shark�

Quick Facts

common name : Silky shark�

Scientific Name : Carcharhinus falciformis

local name : Bala maora/Honda mora

Group : Sharks

Average Size : Maximum about 330 cm.

Diagnostic Features

Morphological characteristics Pectoral fins: Large, narrowly falcate and length of anterior margin is about 14-22% of body length First dorsal fin: Moderately falcate, origin behind pectoral free rear tips Second dorsal fin: Very small and low (around 1.5% total length), origin slightly behind the anal origin Color characteristics Above side: Gray or gray brown color/blackish Below side: White color Fin tips: dusky color (except from first dorsal)

consumer Advice
Threat to Human
Stock Status

Stock Overfished

Lank Fish rating

IUCN Red List Status