Black marlin

Quick Facts

common name : Black marlin

Scientific Name : Makaira indica

local name : Kalu koppara/Sapparava

Group : Billfish

Average Size : Max length : 465 cm FL male/unsexed, common length : 380 cm TL male/unsexed, max. published weight: 750.0 kg.

Diagnostic Features

Morphological characteristics Upper jaw shaped in to a bill, but not very long beak when comparing other species Dorsal fins: Hight of the first dorsal fin less than the body depth Pectoral fins: Falcate Sometime light blue vertical strips present in the body Color characteristics Belly: Slivery white Upper side of the body: Dark blue color Under side of the body: Silvery white First dorsal fin: Bluish black color without any spots Other fins: Dark brown

consumer Advice
Threat to Human
Stock Status

Stock Not Overfished

Lank Fish rating

IUCN Red List Status