Yellowfin tuna

Quick Facts

common name : Yellowfin tuna

Scientific Name : Thunnus albacares

local name : Kelawalla

Group : Temperate and Tropical Tunas

Average Size : Maximum fork length is over 200 cm. All fish over 120 cm attain sexual maturity.

Diagnostic Features

Morphological characteristics Some large specimens have very long second dorsal and anal fins (20% of fork length) Moderately long pectoral fin which reaching beyond the second dorsal fin origin Color characteristics Body: Back metallic dark blue changing through yellow to silver on belly Belly: Frequently crossed by about 20 broken, nearly vertical lines Dorsal and anal fins, and dorsal and anal finlets: Bright yellow Finlets consists with a narrow black border

consumer Advice
Threat to Human
Stock Status

Stock Overfished

Lank Fish rating

IUCN Red List Status