Bigeye tuna

Quick Facts

common name : Bigeye tuna

Scientific Name : Thunnus obesus

local name : Esgedi�kelawalla/Kenda

Group : Temperate and Tropical Tunas

Average Size : Maximum fork length over 200 cm; common to 180 cm (corresponding to an age of at least 3 years). Maturity seems to be attained at 100 to 130 cm fork length in the eastern Pacific and in the Indian Ocean.

Diagnostic Features

Morphological characteristics Pectoral fin: Moderately long (22-31% of fork length) Color characteristics Lower side of the belly: White color First dorsal fin: Deep yellow Second dorsal and anal fins: Light yellow Finlets: bright yellow edged with black color

consumer Advice
Threat to Human
Stock Status

Stock Not Overfished

Lank Fish rating

IUCN Red List Status