
Quick Facts

common name : Swordfish

Scientific Name : Xiphias gladius

local name : Sappara/Kadu koppara

Group : Billfish

Average Size : This species reaches a maximum size of 445 cm total length and about 540 kg weight.

Diagnostic Features

Morphological characteristics Dorsal fins: First dorsal fin larger than the second dorsal fin and it clearly show the wide separation of dorsal fins Anal fins: First anal fin larger than the second anal fin and it clearly show the wide separation of anal fins Pectoral fins: Falcate Pelvic fins absent while caudal fin large and lunate In adults: Lateral line absent, scale-less Swordfish undergoes harsh morphological changes with growth, which affect the body shape, the bill and particularly the dorsal, anal and caudal fins Color characteristics Ventral side of the body got light brown color while back and both sides got blackish-brown color Fin membrane: Blackish-brown color

consumer Advice
Threat to Human
Stock Status

Stock Not Overfished

Lank Fish rating

IUCN Red List Status