Hyphessobrycon bentosi

Quick Facts

Scientific Name : Hyphessobrycon bentosi

Common Name : Ornate tetra


The maximum growth length of the fish is 4.3 cm. Males tend to be less deep bodied slightly smaller. Males are more intensely-colored than females particularly in the dorsal and anal fins. (seriously fish, 2021) Ornate tetra lives in freshwater, benthopelagic areas and distributed in South America (Amazon River basin)


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Details of the varieties

Egg-scattering free spawner and parental care According to the IUCN data list it is listed as a least concerned species and also a harmless species to human beings (FishBase, 2021).

Major Coloration

  • Silvery salmon pinkish body Dark spots around the gills Faint grayish shoulder patch Red marked fins with white tips