Devario pathirana

Quick Facts

Scientific Name : Devario pathirana

Common Name : Barred Danio


2inchec in maximum length (Victoria L. Pritchard, 2001) The fish is having visible colour patterns containing of some 7-11 irregular, parallel, dark blue vertical bars on the anterior part of the sides and a short longitudinal stripe on caudal peduncle (Kottelat and Pethiyagoda, 1990). Barred Danio lives in natural habitats in freshwater benthopelagic environments and distributed in Asia, Nilwala River basin, Opatha, Sri Lanka (Baensch, H.A. and R. Riehl, 1997).


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Details of the varieties

Probably feeds on insects. Egg scattering free spawners exhibiting no parental care. (Victoria L. Pritchard, 2001)

Major Coloration

  • Silver Black Blue