Astronotus ocellatus

Quick Facts

Scientific Name : Astronotus ocellatus

Common Name : oscar/Tiger oscar/Marble cichlid


Adult can be seen in 12-14inches. They have long, oval shaped body. Anal and dorsal fins extend along the length of the fish body to the caudal fin. (Aquariadise, 2021) Origin is from South America (Jessie Sanders,2020)


  • Albino Oscar Black Tiger Oscar Red Tiger Oscar Marble Oscar (FishLore
  • 2021)

Details of the varieties

Their gender can be difficult to determine. The female is usually smaller than male less colorful.(Mike, 2020).They are active swimmers. (Aquabase, 2021) They are highly territorial and they will attack fish that encroach on their patch (Aquariadise, 2021). These fish grow very quickly. And also they live for up-to 20 years in the wild and on average for over 12 years. (AquariumDomain)

Major Coloration

  • Black
  • orange Red White Blue