Avicennia officinalis

Quick Facts

common name : Manda, Kanna, Upatha,Indian mangrove

Scientific Name : Avicennia officinalis

Kingdom : Plantae}

Clade : Tracheophytes Angiosperms Eudicots Asterids

Order : Lamiales

Family : Acanthaceae

Genus : Avicennia

Species : A. officinalis

Conservation Status : 3

Type of Mangrove : True mangrove

Type of Roots : pencil like pneumatophores

General Characters

Tree or shrub, Tree to 12m tall, sometimes 22m. Bark is smooth, with lenticels, light coloured and not fissured

Other Characters

Tree well branched, Smooth brownish brown bark Distribution : prefer low salinity. Found in lagoon fringing mangals away from the lagoon mouth.

Features of Flower

Inflorescence : umbel or a panicle, terminal and in the axils of the uppermost leaves. Petals:4, Yellow colour Calyx: 5 lobed Size : diameter 6-8cm, zygomorphic, sessile flowers in compact heads, 4 stamens. Larger than A. marina. Seed type: Crypto viviparous

Features of Fruits

Size: 2.5-3cm long,2-2.5cm widt Colour: pericarp greenish yellow Surface: densely hairy, wrinkled, broadly ovoid, beaked or heart shape.

Leaf Arrangment

Simple, opposite, Above – dark green Beneath – whitish yellow Blade: obovate or broadly oblong Apex: rounded Size: 4-12cm long (posses salt glands) Dark green shiny above, slightly hairy beneath, edges slightly curved down, possesses salt glands.


Prefer low salinities.Mainly found in lagoon fringing mangals away from the lagoon mouth


Coasts of tropical Asia from Pakistan through to the Philippines and Australia.

Type of Roots

pencil like pneumatophores

IUCN Red List Status