Aegicerus corniculatum

Quick Facts

common name : Hin kadol/ Avari Kadol/vitlikanna

Scientific Name : Aegicerus corniculatum

Kingdom : Plantae}

Clade : Tracheophytes Angiosperms Eudicots Asterids

Order : Ericales

Family : Primulaceae

Genus : Aegiceras

Species : A. corniculatum

Conservation Status : 6

Type of Mangrove : True mangrove

Type of Roots : Roots along the soil surface(Top roots) are exposed to air

General Characters

Evergreen shrub or small tree growing up to about 6 metres tallBark fissured with numerous lenticels. Roots running along the soil surface.

Other Characters

Much branched tree/ Trunk base much thick with growth of basal

Features of Flower

Inflorescence: Simple umbel in the shoot apex or on the axillary branches Petal: 5 white Calyx: 5-lobed,green Size: Diameter 0.4-0.5cm and length 0.5-0.6cm other: 5 stamens opposite to petal Colour: White

Features of Fruits

Fruit long (5-8cm) Surface: Smooth,cylindrical with pointed tip, usually curved hanging fruit. They resemble long beans, tiny bananas or horns and are Colour: Green to reddish in maturation/light green ripening to pink or purple

Leaf Arrangment

Leaves oval (4-8cm) thick, leathery dark green glossy above, paler below. The leaves are arranged alternately in spirals. No stipules. The leaves often encrusted with salt crystals.


Found in lagoon fringing as well as riverine mangrove in most of the mangals


widely distributed from Sri Lanka to South China through the Malay archipelago to Polynesia and northeastern Australia to New South Wales.

Type of Roots

Roots along the soil surface(Top roots) are exposed to air

IUCN Red List Status