Nypa fruiticans

Quick Facts

common name : Gin pol, Water coconut

Scientific Name : Nypa fruiticans

Kingdom : Plantae}

Clade : Tracheophytes Angiosperms Monocots Commelinids

Order : Arecales

Family : Arecaceae Subfamily: Nypoideae Griff

Genus : Nypa Steck

Species : N. fruticans

Conservation Status : 3

Type of Mangrove : True mangrove

Type of Roots : Roots borne along the lower side of the stem, no prominent aerial roots.

General Characters

Plant with a creeping horizontal stem..

Other Characters

Only palm species found in the mangroves. Grow close together. Often form pure sands. Freshwater loving species. Distribution : found in riverine mangals, away from river mouths where water salinity is well below the salinity level of estuaries. Occur in south and west coast mangals.

Features of Flower

Inflorescence : spike with ahead like part at the tip bearing female flowers, and bears the male flowers below Staminate flower: peduncular and rachis bracts, bright yellow when fresh with light green stripes on both sides, 4-6mm long, similar petals Pistillate flower: lemon yellow, size: 25cm (female flower). Seed type: oviparous.

Features of Fruits

Size: diameter 15-20cm, flattened sideways Colour: chestnut brown Surface: smooth, shiny.

Leaf Arrangment

Palm leaf Blade: leaflets linear-lanceolate Apex: acute Size: Leaf 4-10m long, dull green in colour, mid rib yellowish green.


Found in riverine manglas,away from river mouths where water salinity is well below the salinity level of estuaries.occur in south and west coast mangals


Sri Lanka through South-East Asia to North Australia.

Type of Roots

Roots borne along the lower side of the stem, no prominent aerial roots.

IUCN Red List Status