Bruguiera cylindrica

Quick Facts

common name : Malkadol

Scientific Name : Bruguiera cylindrica

Kingdom : Plantae}

Clade : Tracheophytes Angiosperms Eudicots Rosids

Order : Malpighiales

Family : Rhizophoraceae

Genus : Bruguiera

Species : B. cylindrica

Conservation Status : 3

Type of Mangrove : True mangrove

Type of Roots : Knee roots and buttresses.

General Characters

Bush or small tree, Height up to 6m.

Other Characters

Smaller tree than other two Bruguiera species. Not heavily branched. Distribution : restricted distribution. Found in lagoon fringing mangals in the west coast. Bark: Gray, relatively smooth

Features of Flower

Inflorescence : axillary, 3-flowered cyme, Petals:8, white colour, hairy outside, Calyx: 8 lobed, yellowish green, smooth Size: small flower, length 0.8-1.2cm. Seed type: viviparous

Features of Fruits

Size: diameter 0.5-1.0cm, length 10-15cm Colour: green to purplish green Surface: smooth, slightly ridged.

Leaf Arrangment

Simple, opposite Blade: lance-ovate Apex: acuminate Size: 8-10cm Seed type: viviparous


Restricted distribution.Found in lagoon fringing mangals in the west coast


E. Asia - coastal areas from India and Sri Lanka through southeast Asia to New Guinea and northeast Australia.

Type of Roots

Knee roots and buttresses.

IUCN Red List Status