Bruguiera sexangula

Quick Facts

common name : Malkadol

Scientific Name : Bruguiera sexangula

Kingdom : Plantae}

Clade : Tracheophytes Angiosperms Eudicots Rosids

Order : Malpighiales

Family : Rhizophoraceae

Genus : Bruguiera

Species : B. sexangula

Conservation Status : 3

Type of Mangrove : True mangrove

Type of Roots : Knee roots and small buttresses present.

General Characters

Tree, height up to 33m.

Other Characters

Much branched, spreading or diffused, petioles, midribs, pedicels and flowers yellow. Distribution : occur in most of the mangals. Bark: Dark gray, rough.

Features of Flower

Inflorescence : Petals: Yellowish brown, densely fringed with hairs, Calyx: 10-12 lobed, yellow, mature calyx tube distinctly ribbed, each petal lobe with 0-2 apical bristles not exceeding the lobe apices. Size: 2cm long Seed type: viviparous.

Features of Fruits

Size: diameter 1.5-2.0cm, length 10cm Colour: dark green Surface: glabrous to slight rough, slightly ridged Capsule or berry with yellowish persistent calyx.

Leaf Arrangment

Simple, opposite decussate Blade: elliptic-oblong Apex: acute Size: 8-10cm long


Occur in most of the mangals


naturally from India and Sri Lanka throughout South-East Asia to New Guinea and New Britain.

Type of Roots

Knee roots and small buttresses present.

IUCN Red List Status