Sonneratia alba

Quick Facts

common name : Kirala, Yak kirila, kinnai,Apple mangrove

Scientific Name : Sonneratia alba

Kingdom : Plantae}

Clade : Tracheophytes Angiosperms Eudicots Rosids

Order : Myrtales

Family : Lythraceae

Genus : Sonneratia

Species : S. alba

Conservation Status : 3

Type of Mangrove : True mangrove

Type of Roots : pneumatophores.

General Characters

Tree height upto 18m. Bark is Smooth, gray, finely fissured longitudinally.

Other Characters

Prefer high saline water and soil. Conical pneumatophores are much shorter than S. caseolaris.

Features of Flower

Flowers large 2-4cm long (10cm diameter) with 6 petals narrow white often inconspicuous, and many long white stamens that are pink at the base, forming a powder-puff shape. Stiff cup-shaped calyx with sepals broadly triangular and reddish on the inside.Flowers open during the night and are pollinated by bats.

Features of Fruits

pear-shaped (5-7cm) leathery. The tips of the calyx lobes bend back towards the stalk. Seeds white, flattened, tiny, buoyant (due to air-filled tissues in the seed).Surface is smooth.

Leaf Arrangment

Leaves nearly circular or spoon-shaped (5-12.5cm) tapering at the base, thick and leathery. Young leaves are pale green with faint tinge of pink at the leaf 'tip'. The leaves are arranged opposite one another.


Mostly found in the west coast mangals from chilaw to Puttalam lagoon and kalpitiya peninsula.rare elsewhere


Coastal areas from eastern Africa, through the Indian Ocean and tropical Asia to northern Australia and the Pacific to Vanuatu and the Solomon Isles.

Type of Roots


IUCN Red List Status