Excoecaria agallocha

Quick Facts

common name : Telakiriya, Tilai

Scientific Name : Excoecaria agallocha

Kingdom : Plantae}

Clade : Tracheophytes Angiosperms Eudicots Rosids

Order : Malpighiales

Family : Euphorbiaceae

Genus : Excoecaria

Species : E. agallocha

Conservation Status : 3

Type of Mangrove : True mangrove

Type of Roots : Generally without any aerial growth, but very often superficial spreading horizontal roots are exposed due to water erosion during tidal flashing.

General Characters

Shrub or tree, Height up to 20m Dioecious.

Other Characters

Woody tree, perennial, partially deciduous, much branched, very dense with dark leaves and spreading branches Distribution : all around SL in lagoon fringing and riverine mangals. Bark: Grey, fissured with poisonous milky latex Bark lenticelate, lenticel prominent on young twigs and also present in mature trunk base; mature trunk base with gall like tumerous growth.

Features of Flower

Male Inflorescence : catkin, upto 7cm long, female inflorescense: mixed cyme, Petals: green and white, Calyx: yellowish green Size: diameter 0.2-0.3cm Seed type: normal seed.

Features of Fruits

Size: 3 lobed, schizocarp (fruit like combined 3 balls), diameter 0.6cm Colour: green Surface: leathery

Leaf Arrangment

Simple, alternate, spirally arranged, somewhat cluster to the end of the erect shoot Blade: ovate-elliptic Apex: sub-acuminate Size: 12cm long


All around Sri Lanka in Lagoon fringing and riverine mangals


India ,Indo-Malesia to Australia and Pacific islands

Type of Roots

Generally without any aerial growth, but very often superficial spreading horizontal roots are exposed due to water erosion during tidal flashing.

IUCN Red List Status