acanthurus lineatus

Quick Facts

Scientific Name : acanthurus lineatus

Max Size : 15

Color Form : #

Diet : Herbivore

Water Temperature : 72-78

Water Salinity : 35ppt

pH Level : 8.1-8.4

Minimum Water Tank Capacity : 670L

Population Trend : Stable


The Clown Tang, also known as the Clown Surgeonfish, Lined Surgeonfish, or Blue-banded Surgeonfish, has horizontal blue striping on a bright yellow to orange background. It also has large peduncle spines. Morphology-Dorsal spines (total): 9; Dorsal soft rays (total): 27-30; Anal spines: 3; Anal soft rays: 25 - 28. Upper 3/4 of body with alternating black-edged blue and yellow bands; lower 1/4 of body gray. Erectile spine on each side of caudal peduncle is sharp, strong, forward-pointing, and venomous. Upper part of head with yellow, oblique stripes. Pectoral fins pale with dusky rays; pelvic fins light yellowish brown with black outer margin; vertical markings in caudal fin. Gill rakers 14-16 anterior row, 13-15 posterior row. Minute scales. Philippine specimens demonstrate different color patterns

Threat to Human

IUCN Red List Status