apolemichthys xanthurus

Quick Facts

Scientific Name : apolemichthys xanthurus

Max Size : 8

Color Form : Black,yellow

Diet : Omnivore

Water Temperature : 72-78

Water Salinity : 35ppt

pH Level : 8.1-8.4

Minimum Water Tank Capacity : 475L

Population Trend : Stable


The Xanthurus Cream Angelfish adapts readily to aquarium life. It requires a minimum of a 125 gallon tank or larger with lots of hiding places and live rock for grazing will offer an environment in which to thrive. It is prone to nip at stony and soft corals (sessile invertebrates) and clam mantles. Only one specimen should be kept per tank. Dorsal spines (total): 14; Dorsal soft rays (total): 17-19; Anal spines: 3; Anal soft rays: 17 - 18.s

Threat to Human

IUCN Red List Status