acanthurus nigricauda

Quick Facts

Scientific Name : acanthurus nigricauda

Max Size : 10

Color Form : #

Diet : Herbivore

Water Temperature : 72-78

Water Salinity : 35ppt

pH Level : 8.1-8.4

Minimum Water Tank Capacity : 380l

Population Trend : Stable


Acanthurus nigricaudais one of the more peaceful surgeonfish in the hobby, though its large size makes it a better fit for only appropriately-roomy showcase aquariums. Morphology-Dorsal spines (total): 9; Dorsal soft rays (total): 25-28; Anal spines: 3; Anal soft rays: 23 - 26. Color in life dark brown without lines on body or spots on head (one phase is purplish grey); horizontal black band behind upper gill opening absent on juveniles <6 cm SL; elongate purple band may be present anterior to dorsal origin; caudal fin brown; outer third of pectoral fin pale. Species with gizzard-like stomach

Threat to Human

IUCN Red List Status