acanthurus triostegus

Quick Facts

Scientific Name : acanthurus triostegus

Max Size : 8

Color Form : #

Diet : Herbivore

Water Temperature : 72-78

Water Salinity : 35ppt

pH Level : 8.1-8.4

Minimum Water Tank Capacity : 300L

Population Trend : Stable


The Convict Tang, also known as the Convict Surgeonfish, has a stunning white to silver body highlighted by six vertical black bars. The peduncle spines (near the tail) are rather small compared to that of other Tangs. A great addition to the reef or fish only aquarium. Dorsal spines (total): 9; Dorsal soft rays (total): 22-26; Anal spines: 3; Anal soft rays: 19 - 22. Body olivaceous gray, with 4 vertical stripes (1 stripe on head across the yellow eye; 1 on caudal peduncle); shading to white ventrally, often with a sharp line of demarcation. Sharp, forward-pointing, erectile spine on each side of caudal peduncle which folds down into a groove. Scales minute. Teeth with denticulations on sides and top. Gill rakers 18-22 in anterior row, 19-24 in posterior row.

Threat to Human

IUCN Red List Status