Underwater Activities

Coral watching
Coral reefs are some of the most diverse ecosystems on the earth. Most of the nature lovers has paid their attention to such kind of resources. Hikkaduwa is home to some of the best coral gardens in the world.
Enviromental Impact
It is a practice of swimming on through a body of water while equipped with a diving mask, a shaped breathing tube called a snorkel and usually swim fins in cooler waters, a wetsuit may also be worn. Use of this equipment allows the snorkeler to observe underwater attractions for extended periods with relatively little effort and to breathe while face down on the surface.
Snorkeling is a popular recreational activity at topical resort location. It gives opportunity to observe underwater life in a natural setting without the complicated equipment it is also used by scuba divers when on surface, in underwater sports such as underwater sports such as underwater hockey, underwater rugby, and as part of water based searches conducted by search and rescue teams.
Enviromental Impact

Scuba diving
Scuba diving is a mode of underwater diving where the diver uses a self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (Scuba). It is completely independent of surface apply. Can breathe in underwater. scuba divers carry their own source of breathing gas, usually compressed air. It allows them a greater independence and freedom of movement than surface supplied divers, and longer underwater endurance than breath hold divers.
Enviromental Impact
Shipwrecks is the remains of a ship that has wrecked, which are found either beached on land or sunken to the bottom of a body of water.
Enviromental Impact